CPAP Machines, Sleep Apnoea - Machines, Parts, Prices

The September article you ran about the CPAP recalll didn’t mention the exorbitant cost of these machines which makes it impossible for many people to just stop using a dodgy one if they have it and buy a new one.
The cost of CPAP machines and all the replacement masks, tubes, filters etc is rediculously high, I feel it’s a rip off. $2,000 for a machine, $300 for a mask, little thin square filter piece of foam thing about 2x 2 cm that goes on the outside of the machine about $10! These parts have to be replaced every couple of years. I questioned the costs once when buying a part and was told it was medical and therefore expensive, I thought that was a lame answer.
Philips (and anyone else who makes CPAP machines) has been making gazillions for a long time from peoples sleep apnea, Philips should just replace all machines now.

Also, the process of registering your potentially faulty machine with Philips is clunky and long. One person taking the calls ( I’ve helped a few people register their machines) didn’t have any clue/ information about the recall when I asked questions and said the machine I was ringing about wasn’t on the dodgy list when I’m certain it is- have to now ring back again now- more time and energy wasted.