COVIDSafe app scepticism

Tin hat brigade (only 40yrs in IT) person here! (1) No source code, despite numerous gov “promises”. Why? (2) No enabling privacy/security legislation, despite numerous gov “promises”. Why? (3) Stuart Robert. (4) ROBODEBT, among other egregious AUS government missues of data supplied for one purpose, used for another purpose. (5) Foreign developer with a shonky/less than truthful intelligence background. (6) Amazon servers. (7) US laws, overriding AUS laws. (8) Not mandatory. (9) In isolation & won’t be going out to the pub or anywhere else until 40% of the Aussie sheeple comply with Morrison’s demands. (10) Won’t download, install, register, the app, nor turn on Bluetooth for it. If necessary will leave my phone at home. (11) Morrison et al can KMA! (12) HELL NO.