COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV) News

An article regarding a new strain of swine flu which could cause a new pandemic.

“Cheer up” said Fred, “things could be worse”.

So we cheered up, and sure enough, things got worse.

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An article regarding a Victorian Mayor lambasting the stupidity of Victorians.

Perhaps it is time for the Victorian Government to re-introduce some updated versions of past number plate slogans for those too stupid to co-operate.

Victoria - The Uneducated State.

Victoria - On The Move To Nowhere.

Victoria - The Garden Cemetery State.

Victoria - The PLace Not To Be.

Now Trump secures the entire supply for the US. Over 500,000 courses at USD $3,200 each, a mere $1.6 billion USD plus.

I would bet that there are quite a few snouts in the through in this deal.

Trump hopes that coronavirus will simply disappear.

That explains the origins of the song “God Save America”.


An updated article regarding the new strain of swine flu.

There is now some discussion that the WHO’s stance that there are only two ways of transmission is not the only ways that COVID is being spread. A group of scientists are stating that there is a third way that particularly in enclosed areas is helping to spread the virus. This is microscopic droplet spreading that will remain airborne for much longer than normal droplets and will travel further than the 1.5 metre rule. This way is particularly important when considering whether to wear a mask, to be in public transport or other enclosed environments.


The WHO ends hydroxycholorquine trial for COVID-19, citing ‘little or no benefit’.

I wonder if Clive can get a refund.


There were earlier reports that it may in fact increase rate of mortality in severe cases due to side effect complications. Not a desirable outcome.


Here is an alternative view to COVID-19 starting in China…

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Very interesting article.

How ironic is the photo of the Tonnies vehicle with the smiling livestock. As if.

Scientists warn that coronavirus is being spread throught the air.

Scientists warn regarding increasing zoonotic diseases.

Very concerning.

And in today’s episode of “You Just Can’t Help Stupid” aka “Stupid Is As Stupid Does”.

Some have to learn things the hard way.

The WHO appears to be taking the reports seriously.

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Are some Victorians completely stupid or simply brain dead?

Little wonder the state is now a total disaster.

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Should we be more inclined to suggest that what can go wrong will go wrong? Without reason and fuller understanding the same scenario could play out anywhere in Australia, for any state or individuals.

Victoria and NSW are our two largest and most densely populated states. Together they make up nearly 60% of Australia’s Population. 10million of our approx 25million Population live in greater Sydney and a Melbourne alone.

It’s a matter of chance, odds on that if something can go wrong because of COVID-19 it will happen first in either NSW or Victoria.

Is it fair to suggest that any other state or city is any better prepared or less at risk? Whose turn next might be a more pertinent question to consider?


Really not sure where to put the article I have linked to below. I am personally very dubious about the claims made but obviously have no proof that the proprietary product ‘LJSHIELD’ kills viruses and remains attached to the fabric giving protection beyond the next wash. If it is fact the case this should be world breaking news that will save humanity and should be hailed for it’s breakthrough if it isn’t then it is at best Puffery.

You can read the article but I have supplied some of the assertions which I have doubts about:

“LJSHIELD is applied as a mist, which permanently attaches to the fabric. Lorna Jane says, ‘viruses and bacteria that come into contact with these particles have their outer shells pierced and they die’.”

“They contend their spray is ‘taking out the guess work and stopping you from transferring virus’ from the outside world into the home’” Stops the transfer??

From the Founder 'With Lorna Jane Shield on our garments it meant that we were completely eliminating the possibility of spreading any deadly viruses’ Completely??

Is this Shonky or isn’t it, is it taking advantage of the Pandemic or providing a real benefit, is it Greed or is it just good business? I hope these claims have the rock solid to show they aren’t the negative outcomes but my suspicions are aroused.

No mention of the product in their current COVID update as yet (where I think this would be huge news):

On Instagram the Company do have a LJShield section but as I am not going to join it, I can’t see what there might be there.

@BrendanMays, @jhook are these claims worth passing on to your investigative team?


I was referring to the fact that they continue to flaunt social distancing requirements.

That reminds me of one of a set of insult cards that I had as a teenager.

“Accidents will happen but must you give them so much help”.

Pretty much sums up the situation.

The distancing rules are being flaunted everywhere I have been to lately. I think it is has been just a dash of extra luck that places in SE Qld haven’t been in the same boat. No care from many and certainly no responsibility from many.

The money bell rings and the blinkers go on by many out in the community.

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So do I as per my post yesterday under a different topic.

But it is one thing to fail maintaining social distancing and quite another for 20 idiots to gather for an illegal backyard party or to deliberately ignore self quarrantining rules like the idiot visiting SA did.

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I understand that point. I’ll suggest my family members who live in Melbourne are exceptionally observant of all the requirements.

There are also regular news reports of Australians in other states also failing to comply with social distancing. It would seem illogical that those living in NSW or coastal Qld are any less likely to flaunt social distancing. Given the recent relaxation of requirements in both those states, it would seem more likely their locals will become forgetful.

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