Choice forum spellcheck

One might find Chinese a little difficult as well.

Of course, English has its own retort.


Thanks for the reminder lol. I build my own systems which is fun, install all the programs which is not, and last thing is to go through all the settings on opening the programs (the most painful). On checking my browsers (I use 3), I’d forgotten to go through Firefox’s settings since I built this pc last year. A little disconcerting that it took me almost a year to notice the USAglish - getting peppered with too much information/entertainment from there and not reading/watching enough Oz/UK stuff to keep the brain trained in real english lol.


American English annoys me too!

Americans be like:

Our own measurement system? Check.
Our own very unique and totally correct spellings? Check.

I would highly recommend Grammarly for spell checks
has saved me on so many occasions when in a tight spot with spelling.
To join for FREE go to

There is no other, according to Americans and American software developers, but many do not realise when you open a reply box on the forum and right click in it, you can set your language to any you have installed on your device, even ‘English (Australia)’.

Even though it is 2021, I have experienced a few PC applications that could not deal with dates in other than US format. My most recent pique is the 2FA using a mobile where many US companies will not take an international number, and worse had one that that did, that verified it, but then could not SMS a code to it. Without a US mobile number you could not even place an order nor get into your existing account (pre 2FA implementation). ‘They are working on it’ :roll_eyes:

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 or you can do it manually and just ignore the correction suggestions from the North - BUT try making a 110 volt kettle boil faster!! without a 20+ amp circuit/element 
 Probably the single reason I’d never want to live there :rofl:


Except that it isn’t - they use Imperial measurements, that the English are (gradually) shedding.

On the spelling front, the first popular US dictionary was by Noah Webster - who believed in making language easier as well as hating everything about the English.

His most important improvement, he claimed, was to rescue “our native tongue” from “the clamour of pedantry” that surrounded English grammar and pronunciation. He complained that the English language had been corrupted by the British aristocracy, which set its own standard for proper spelling and pronunciation.

(I am a little surprised that the article does not refer to the ‘clamor’.)


Not really, they use a customary system that was derived from the British system. There are many similarities but many differences too, especially in volume measures. The two diverged before Imperial was established. I am being picky I know.