Changes to the way we handle large threads

Hi All,

This post is to inform members of the CHOICE Community about some minor changes to the way we handle large threads in the forum. You don’t have to take any action, we just like to make sure that everyone is aware of updates.

Occasionally we have very popular threads that naturally incline toward lengthier discussions. We want to make the Community as user friendly as possible for everyone, so to this end, we’re going to try focusing large topics in the following ways:

Lengthy discussions and friendly debates are welcome in the Community, as long as things remain civilised and meaningful. When this occurs, we may choose to create a separate thread with a reasonable time limit placed on the discussion. Willing participants can feel comfortable discussing, and afterwards we’ll endeavor to create a summary so that future audiences can easily see the nature of the discussion.

Most threads are a combination of news and general discussions, and for shorter threads, this works just fine. However, for big topics like the Royal Banking Commission, we can have multiple discussions occurring at once, also being broken up with a large amount of relevant news content. To improve the experience, we’re going to begin creating specific news repositories separate to our main discussions so that people who want news know where to go and for others looking mostly for discussion, they can simply visit the main thread.

CHOICE Staff and forum moderators will be here to help manage the large threads. We hope these changes make things better, but if they don’t or if you have suggestions, we’re always happy to consider suggestions and change accordingly. After all, it’s your Community!


Royal Banking  

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