Buying the Best Electric Vehicle - for your needs

The Volvo is an interesting choice, with the Kia EV6 and Hyundai Ioniq 5 similar and also in limited supply.

At least one of the 3 (Ioniq) can be supplied with a full sized spare wheel/tyre if requested. Useful for those not in the city and using the dirt. All 3 can be fitted with a tow bar. Up to 1600kg braked for the Hyundai or Kia which share the same platform, or 1500kg for the Volvo.

More than adequate to tow a trailer and a couple of the new battery powered ride on mowers to Choice’s favourite test site. :wink:

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BYD releases one more model to the Australian market.

For further details one needs to run the gauntlet of BYD’s marketing. | BYD DOLPHIN - New Energy Vehicles

Or look to ones favourite paywalled publication until the novelty and news value expires.

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They now have a deal rolling out with Sixt car rentals so consumers have an option to try one before they buy. So far it only seems to be the Atto3 and in ‘select’ locations.

Tesla also has a deal with Hertz for the ‘3’.

Seems a good marketing effort to allow those interested but hesitant to test ‘the waters’ for a BEV, although with very limited vehicle types on offer, in limited locations so far.


Choice has produced a listing of the EV’s currently available in the Australian Market. It includes estimated delivery times from order for each model.

There is also an informative article and comparison table in the July Choice Magazine. Note it’s less comprehensive than the above. Popular brands including MG, GWM and the recent BYD models are among those missing from the magazine table.

Mark, sadly the guide does not include this beauty.

Telsa Model Y Long Range 2023 in New South Wales

First weekend, 950km trip to QLD for Australia vs France for the World Cup Quarter Final. Last weekend 5km trip to train station for Spain vs England World Cup Final. Now the preferred car to drive as has superb characteristics. This was guide I saw on costs to charge…

Will advise on its accuracy since the Tesla Wall charger went in on Tuesday and provides 7kw and the smart power meter will be installed as soon as the Simply Energy give us a date. Only then can we get off/on peak.

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Above vehicle costs, maintenance and the total user experience and vendor support need to be considered. Remarks suggest the writer is either unaware or has no problem with subscription-priced options since they are mentioned as a throwaway.

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The options fir those on a budget increasingly include second hand vehicles.

The good and what to be aware of. One viewpoint.

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A perspective on Tesla from someone who rented one for a month, discovering aspects that he personally found challenging - and I don’t think he’d be alone in that:

My advice to anyone planning to buy their first EV: make an informed decision about whether you will be able to cope with a particular vehicle’s quirks. They can be very different from ICE vehicles (especially older ICEVs) - and different from each other, too. Download and read the user manuals for the EVs you’re interested in, if possible. Rent one for a week or so if you can.

Then you can enjoy your EV as much as I do the 2013 Nissan Leaf I got a year ago via Good Car Co. :slightly_smiling_face:


The linked estimator is from Macquarie, hardly unbiased as they are selling EV loans. Is it accurate and does it include everything down to depreciation? All to be discovered by those who have a go, and it is released in the first wave of analytic tools so may be open to improvement over time as there is more market and on the road experience. Anyone trying it is encouraged to post their experiences here.

Thanks for sharing, I am seriously considering an EV but feeling totally overwhelmed by the options so doing all my research first. Just found out theres an EV expo in perth this weekend too!
Its handy that choice have put the options in one place which has allowed me to narrow down the choices and work our what is within my budget. There is even an option to only show cars that are eligible for state based rebates, but it would be useful if choice could add an option for cars that are eligible for the federal govt electric car discount - my understanding is its post 1 July 2022 EVs or PHEV that are under the luxury car tax threshold (currently $89,332 for FY23-24) and financed under a novated lease.


I was reading the July issue the other day and saw this article on Electric vehicle reviews. I then looked at the online version and saw

I am a bit puzzled that the EV review and scoring doesn’t take into account any factors related to the actual function of these vehicles, ie being a car. There is nothing about what they are like to drive, luggage or passenger capacity, or any other things that we need a car to be able to do.

I understand that Choice haven’t actually bought these cars and tested them, but it is missing the most important part of the “review” - are these good at being cars?


It is the same approach Choice uses to ‘test’ smart phones where their ability to function as phones to make and receive calls is all but dismissed as a given. :frowning:

There are some things Choice might best leave to others or at least collaborate to jointly publish purposeful reviews if not full tests. OTOH articles like ‘what to look for’ (eg buyer guides) are usually quite useful when they include everything one should consider for a purchase.

Unfortunately as Choice tries to publish more to attract a wider audience while the numbers of products and complexity expands, the budgets, staff, and lab facilities sometimes seem unable to keep up.

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There is a newer table in the Nov 2023 Choice issue.

Agree the “review” is more a market snapshot with the principal EV specific differences summarised. Styling, seat comfort, luggage space, controls and accessories are subject to personal preference. Choice’s table provides a convenient way to short list the options.

We are still looking for the right vehicle.
The motoring organisations, publications and web publishers offer the detailed reviews/assessments of the more personal features. There are always a range of opinions to be found, reflecting the individual preferences of the reviewer. Some focus more on promoting what might appeal with each model than objectively assessing every feature. Competence varies! Ultimately one needs to try before one buys.

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Perhaps the ‘Best Brand’ methodology could be applied to cars. How satisfied are people overall? Did they have a problem? If so, was customer service helpful?

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It appears that currently BEV only have cheaper energy costs then a vehicle is run from the home and charged at home. On road trips, the energy cost of BEV is higher than an equivalent ICE vehicle:

Another cost which is significantly higher are insurance costs:

and for a comparable car, BEVs are on average around $661/year more expensive to insure.

There has been discussion in the EV industry that ICE and BEV ownership costs (all costs associated with owning a vehicle such as capital costs, insurance, running costs, road contributions/levies, energy costs, depreciation etc) would come into parity in 2025. The industry has revised this date and now have indicated that parity won’t occur before 2028.

There are some in the industry which have made public statements that BEVs will never be cheap.

Vehicle price and ongoing ownership costs is the most important decision making criterion used by many consumers. In the current environment of affordability, if one is considering buying a new/used vehicle, it is strongly suggested that they ‘do the numbers’ in relation to the costs of owning a vehicle and what best meets their financial circumstances.


With costs of BEVs and volumes on the road, used is becoming more enticing. A good overview of what to look for in a used BEV.


For those subject to motion sickness one pedal driving in some BEVs could have unexpected consequences. A feature to ‘audition’ in a test drive is regenerative braking.


The last sentence is key…
He added, “A lot of motion sickness, honestly, is because of the driver.”

I drive with regen on max, it really does not take much time to figure out how to drive smoothly with one pedal driving.

Eco mode still has way faster acceleration than our previous (ICE) vehicle, and quieter driving is more pleasant than listening to fossil fuel explosions under the bonnet. Expectation of an engine roar associated with hard acceleration vanished within minutes!
I generally just use the Normal mode, but if I want to stretch out the range a bit Ill use Eco mode around town, and along the 12 potholed, rocky and corrugated kilometres of our road, which necessitates driving at under 60km/hr for vehicle preservation.