Brand reviews rated on biodegradable packaging

Suggest Choice can create an additional category in its Reviews for those Brands using recyclable packaging. My new Microwave was packaged with foam padding and plastic bags that can’t be recycled. A well-known retailer has recently switched to fully recyclable types of brown paper for padding. It can be done!


Welcome to the community @Coral Cynthia . Definitely a good topic to raise in these times of recycling awareness .


Hi @Coral, welcome to the community.

These plastic bags will be recyclable through the Redcycle program, where soft plastics can be dropped off at participating supermarkets.

In relation to biodegradable materials, not all biodegradable materials can be currently recycled. Example are biodegradable (and compostable) plastics.

Some recyclable packaging may not be as environmentally friendly as one thinks, such as paper/card made from virgin forests.

Possibly manufacturers should chose or move towards environmentally sustainable/friendly materials which can be readily recycled by the consumer.


Unfortunately, not always. I encounter quite a lot of bags that are made from foamed plastic (they seem to be popular for packaging of electronics and kitchen appliances), and these are not able to be recycled by Redcycle.


While seemingly unrelated, this topic has some content on recycling and REDcycle, still in progress.


'Tis a shame! Many of those packing foams are merely another form of low-density polyethylene (LDPE, RIC 4).

I’m currently stuck with a load of that LDPE packing foam from a recent order of large electronic equipment. I’m DETERMINED that it won’t end up buried in the ground.