Bottom Of The Harbour Scheme Mk II?

An article regarding companies being set up with sham directors before being sunk and leaving huge debts.

I was under the impression that these types of scams stopped after the “bottom of the harbour schemes” were taken to task decades ago.


Not a recent development. For a while last century, one of my duties was pursuing insolvent companies. More than once I ended up at some poor sod living in a room above a pub who had no idea what was going on.

As I’ve said before, business attracts criminal minds. Sadly, too many of those minds go into politics.


And I thought the larval form of the politician was the lawyer.

Barnaby Joyce was a country accountant.

:thinking: Not quite sure what that says.

A slight bias for the more successful ones anyway.

K Rudd looks to hold the record for the most rounded on the list. While Billy Hughes might be a standout challenger and most versatile having led three different political parties as PM.

Experience as a Barrister (6) just pips Journalists (5). No accounting needed.