Bosistos Original wool wash recipe

Found this while browsing the Bosistos web site . Also used their free book as a reference

Pure Soap Flakes ½ packet (300gm)
Methylated Spirits 1 cup (200ml)
Bosisto’s Eucalyptus Oil 50mL
Wool Wash Recipe

Mix methylated spirits with soap flakes. Add eucalyptus oil and stir.
Store in wide necked screw capped jar (large coffee).
Use one tablespoon mixture per garment. Dissolve in small quantity hot water and then pour into lukewarm wash water.
Hand or machine wash on wool cycle.
No need to rinse unless white garments are to be stored for a long period (rinsing reduces the risk of yellowing).
Squeeze and roll in towel to remove excess water.
Keep garments in shape while drying out of direct sunlight.