ALDI taking a stand against online porn!

I just received the latest marketing email from ALDI - unsure how I ended up on their mailing list as its 15 hours drive at least to the nearest ALDI … but I digress …

I couldn’t help but notice ALDI have not only taken a stand against artificial colours, but also against online porn … the gummy bear kind! I didn’t even know gummy bear porn was ‘a thing’ …


I must admit I was a bit bemused and confused upon receiving the above photo in my emails . It’s so refreshing to see a large company like Aldi’s protecting us from the evils of "Gummy Bear " porn . Sins of the flesh are now being replaced by sins of the sugar and gelatinous flavouring . /

I’m going to email " The Natural Confectionery Company " to cover up their jelly babies . I salute Aldi’s on their stand to protect our morals .:man_judge:


Now I’m no photo editing pro by any stretch, but it took me a couple of minutes to transform ALDI’s horribly pixelated gummy bear into something slightly less obvious, even with some definition loss …

from this … to this …

… and a word of warning - don’t try too hard to find nude gummy bears on google image search (I went looking for ALDI’s original image to see what was so wrong with it), and if you do I would strongly recommend turning on googles ‘safe search’ filter. Strongly. I don’t think I’ll be eating gummy bears again …


" I see nuuthing, nuthingk !!!


I remember the kerfuffle about it. followed by the enlarged roo leg (for modesty) :smiley:


I was amused when I saw the image, it being part of Aldi’s “Good Different” / light-hearted amusement / clever and funny self-promotion. I am assuming everyone else took it that way.


I was amused as well - but I admit I assumed it was just political correctness gone too far as seems so often.

It’s an awfully long drive to my nearest ALDI - and I admit I’ve probably never stepped inside one of their stores (that I recall), so tell me what makes you see it this way? Do they have a sense of humour? is it something they do to poke fun even at themselves? Do you see more in-store that gives this impression? I might have completely misread it based on a judgement in line with what I’d expect from Woolies/Coles - if so it would be quite amusing :slight_smile:

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Some of their TV ads spring to mind - the one with the “bear in the woods”, the various “do you have a xxxxxx-shaped hole in your life?” ads, vague recollections of some other christmas ones. I haven’t seen so much humour in-store - except maybe large posters inside the storefront windows that replicate their other media ads. I think the last one/s I saw were more focussed on their quirkiness, being “different”. I went to Youtube just now - the campaign is “Good Different”.


They can’t bear a bare bear? It should at least have a shirt collar and tie! Maybe even a hat?


Like Yogi

I suspect there could be a copyright/royalty problem :smiley:


I’m glad someone got my joke. :smiley:


… not to mention an awkward little crease in the nether region …


I am reminded of the “new” Astro Boy movie. The USAmericans insisted that he be drawn wearing a shirt, as even a robot should not be shown bare-chested. :confounded:


The US was and remains a puritanical society. While not as authoritative as one might prefer, this appears an accurate insight to how they think.


Arghhh yes and who can forget the uproar amongst US TV producers concerning Barbara Eden’s belly button in the 1960’s comedy sitcom " I Dream of Jeannie " .

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The controversy explained.


Yes, the Americans trumpet :trumpet: their liberal progressiveness and at the same time are deeply conservative.

Remember the Hays code (and it’s successors) for the movies stipulating moral boundaries? For example The comic Betty Boop had to be toned down from a flapper, they couldn’t use the word ‘toilet’ in the movies, and one foot had to remain on the floor when actors were on the bed, etc. Yet at the same time they are the world’s largest producers and consumers of porn.

Very conflicted.

I wonder if the Aldi gummy bears are popular in the US? :rofl:


I do know that I constantly hear about the First Amendment and the joys (and importance) of ‘free speech’. Of course, speech in the US is only ‘free’ if you repeat what everyone else is saying; just ask those few doubters who suggested Iraq may not have WMD or have been involved in destroying the World Trade buildings (I could not bring myself to type the US spelling of the last word of their title).

Presumably this is the kind of free speech that Andrew Bolt and friend are constantly calling for in Australia; freedom to be offensive but not offended.

Rule 34, @draughtrider:

If it exists, there is porn of it – no exceptions.

And now, it is time for a…

Public Health Warning

I strongly discourage the reader from trying to find exceptions. No good can come from such an investigation, and you are likely to lose not only any faith you currently have in humanity but also your latest meal :nauseated_face:. Others have done the research (not me - I’m not that crazy); rely upon their reporting of the situation.

And do not investigate bronies too closely.

As a side note, while I was trying to remember what the rule number was I consulted the Urban Dictionary. I thought it was rule 24, but that one is much more benign. Rule 24 states simply that:

if it exists, people fear it. No exceptions.

Of course, being the Urban Dictionary there had to be examples - and I was immediately struck by the total basta*dry of the person who named Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. This, of course, is a fear of long words.

It’s as bad as the person who put an s in ‘lisp’, or whomever came up with ‘stutter’. (Of course, now that I have the word in my head I am going to have to listen to the Stutter Rap - brilliant work of art that it is.)

Finally, thank you @PhilT - and a big thank you to Annabel Crabbe for such ballsy reporting.


I have seen it all now. Reminds me of an old joke from the sixties. When you open a pack of jelly babies, always choose the boy ones because you get an extra bit. Probably an urban myth but never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

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