ACCC Communications sector market study

The ACCC released its draft report for the communications sector market study.

They are inviting interested parties to make a submission in response to the draft report findings and proposed recommendations and actions.

The draft report can be downloaded from ACCC Communications sector market study.

Executive Summary Key Points are on page 13 of the downloadable pdf.

[Please feel free to relocate this if it fits better in another stream.]


Had a very quick skim through the Exec Summary and the Points of Concern. It appears that this supposed guard dog is coughing a lot, rather than barking; and there’s definitely no threat of biting.

I’m sure a lot of work has gone into the report, but it seems to be very careful to avoid criticism of the main players, especially the NBN & NBN Co.

As I said it was a quick skim, so I may be wrong. Interested to hear others’ opinions.


"the ACCC released its final report for the communications sector market study.

The final report details the ACCC’s recommendations, actions and findings in relation to a broad range of communications services including broadband and voice services, aggregation and transmission services, data centres and content delivery networks and the internet of things."

ACCC Communications sector market study - Final Report

There is a link on the above page to Communications sector market study final report (large downloadable PDF), and to Communications sector market study final report factsheet (downloadable PDF).

It’s written in bureaucratese, and does not appear to be nearly as hard hitting as it could/should be.

To save you downloading, the final bit of the fact sheet is as follows:

"Key issues for consumers
Our communications sector market study contains several actions, recommendations and findings relating to issues faced by consumers. This includes issues experienced when migrating to the NBN, phone scams, and information issues that can make it harder to change plans or service provider, as well as to know which broadband speed to choose on the NBN.

A key message for consumers coming out of our study is being aware of the potential benefits of short-term or ‘no lock-in’ contracts when migrating to the NBN. We will work with industry and other government stakeholders to educate consumers on this, and other issues.

The ACCC provides detailed advice and tips for consumers on a range of topics relevant to our market study:

  • Internet and phone – covers topics like choosing a mobile phone plan or internet service, managing data usage, and the unauthorised transfer of phone and internet services
  • Cancelling a service - information about consumer rights for customers seeking to cancel a phone or internet service
  • Migrating to the NBN – tips and FAQs for consumers moving to the NBN
  • Broadband speeds – information for consumers about busy evening hour speeds and our guidance for service providers
  • Broadband performance data – real world performance of broadband plans, with data to be published quarterly
  • Comparator websites – information about using comparator websites, including what to look out for before relying on a comparison
  • Scamwatch - information for consumers and small businesses about how to recognise, avoid and report scams.

The Government has also announced its intention to legislate a national Consumer Data Right, allowing
consumers open access to their banking, energy, phone and internet transactions. This is designed to make it easier for consumers to switch from one service provider to another.

What we recommend
Our communications sector market study final report makes several recommendations for government and
industry, including:

  • the telecommunications industry should do more to proactively prevent harm and protect consumers from international and domestic scams and spoofs
  • the Government’s implementation of the Consumer Data Right should be extended to the telecommunications sector (as planned)
  • NBN Co should continue to review and adjust its prices to ensure the economically efficient use of the network
  • and safeguard the long-term interests of end-users and consumers.

ACCC actions
Our communications sector market study final report has also identified a range of actions for the ACCC, some of which are already underway, including to:

  • address concerns about the performance of NBN broadband services through our Measuring Broadband
    Australia program, Broadband Speed Claims Guidance and take enforcement (legal) action where needed
  • examine NBN Co’s wholesale service standards to ensure that they will deliver good experiences for consumers and businesses
  • work with ACMA to improve consumer protections on the NBN
  • review the scope, transparency and ease of use of comparator websites for telecommunications services
  • monitor consumer complaints about unfair contract terms for telecommunications services
  • investigate consumer complaints about bundling and take further action where needed."


‘When reading a vapid useless government sponsored report that states the obvious and has no value added the grubs who championed it should be escorted out the door soooner rather than later.’

  • TheBBG

“Yes Minister” had more bite in just one of it’s lines and it was a comedy/satire.

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 and we knew it was safe to laugh !!

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What was that line from Yes Minister? Something like ‘never hold an enquiry unless you know beforehand what the answers will be.’


That is taught in ‘Introduction to Being Government’ as well as ‘Being a CEO Made Easy’.