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CHOICE’s destination guides include packing and to-do checklists for Australian travellers as well as essential information about visas, vaccinations, travel insurance, emergency contacts, transport, accommodation and more. All CHOICE travel reviews are currently available for free!

Will go on a tour of Japan coming April.
Looking for tips on what to pack, how much to take for small purchases like a coffee or a snack, will USd be accepted, take with me Iphone, I Pad, electric toothbrush?
Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you.

Hi @Gaby we have destination advice for Japan online, you can also download the pdf of the guide onto your phone or tablet. Let us know if you don’t find the answers to what you’re looking for there.

Thank you, @JodiBird. Very informative site. Will keep referring to it while preparing for my trip!I

I wonder if anyone has been on or heard of reviews on the Queensland company Great Trains of Europe