About the Electronics & Technology category

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The CHOICE electronics and technology experts review devices like cameras and mobile phones using rigorous tests, usage patterns, and budget to help you make smart and informed purchasing decisions. This is also the place to phone plans, internet services, computer software and accessories.

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For when the team prepares reviews of tech items that have a software component, eg Smart TV’s, IOT devices, laptops, modem routers, ISP services, etc.

Would it be possible to also rate or score and list their firmware/software update policy for each product review?

Timeliness is important, ease of updates is relevant, scope of support is critical, date or time to end of life support and updates is also critical. These would appear to be important to any consumer decission as many products are technically very similar inside. Only the marketing, package styling and user front end software differentiate products to th naked eye.

I am doubtless not alone in having tech that is currently suitable and serviceable, but now at risk. There is a recent topic re Sony Smart TV software updates that highlights the rate of obsolescence.

For one of our Netgear wireless devices that supports all current high speed formats and except 3 channel MIMO it lost updates after 24 months!

The extra expense of a product with an extra year or two of support must be useful as an offset for not needing to waste time, finding and buying and installing and the resetting needed to bring a replacement to the home?

It is also doubtful paying for an extended product warranty might cover the cessation of software or firmware.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Mobile phones review - Best smartphones