Why or why not shop at Woolworths

Unfortunately Woolworths is the only supermarket in my area. I say unfortunately because of that incessant recorded voice at the checkout telling me to “please take my items “ I feel that this is the height of bad manners, what it is actually telling me over and over again is that we have your money now hurry up and get out. It really annoys me and I have emailed them asking them to turn it off, I never got a reply


I have Woolies car insurance which means I get 10% off one shop a month. I use it to stock up on those items that never come onto the specials list. Never had to use the insurance so not sure how good they are, but for a 2 person householf I manage to save about $250 a year.
I use the Woolies app which means I can keep track very easily of the products I like, and see when they are on special, especially half price. I rarely buy my husbands breakfast cereal more than half price, or the oats for my porridge. I can usually estimate how many I need to buy before they come on special again.
The app is a useful way of keeping my shopping list, and it tells me what aisle products are in, very useful if I am not shopping in my usual store, which is a stand alone one as Gregr mentioned. Much more convenient than the ones in the shopping centers. Occasionally there are very good offers, you have to check the boosted items, but I got $80 back on points from doing 3 weekly shops of at least $160. Even for a 2 person household that was not difficult to do.
With very little effort I believe I can make significant saving.


I now buy my vegetables, dried beans, fruit etc from my Asian store. They are fresh, cheaper and someone always there to help you. My soy milk, canned sardines I buy from Amazon with delivery either next day or within 2 days at the same price or a bit lower than woollies. Only get my favourite suppliers and items I can only buy in supermarkets near me these days. Save so much on my fresh food and it lasts longer.


We have the same irritating person at both Coles and Woolworths, so rude!

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@phb we also live in a rural area with an IGA store about 18km away and the nearest Coles and Woolies in a shopping centre some 120km down the road. @pattymac we used to get a monthly Woolies delivery but found that it became more and more unreliable and many products mentioned as not available. We only use the more expensive local store when we run out of something and when we need to go to town anyway. About every 2 weeks we embark on our big shopping trip for stockfood (near Bunnings), fresh and cheaper vegies at Spudshed WA @Mike8 and then depending on advertised specials either Woolies or Coles or both in the shopping centre as well as Aldi.