Viagra and associated topic scams

I have now registered a complaint as you suggest. The site advised me that the page I needed had closed (how unusual!) and gave an email address. I hope it was the correct one or someone may get a rather nasty shock! I hope they will forward it to the correct site.
Although I was up 'till the wee hours sorting it out last night, it was pleasing to see that there were very few of these emails today. Perhaps it was the choice examples I sent to iinet, with explanation yesterday. Who knows.

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Well, isn’t this fun!
After all of my efforts to stop this garbage being sent to me, mainly to an email address which is not mine, no official site or blocking device has helped one iota.
‘Not their area’!
Good to know that those who are supposed to be dealing with these morons are really earning their presumably high wages! 68 yesterday and 50+ today.
Little wonder some people turn to a life of crime.