Theme Park and Amusement Ride Safety

The headline says it all!

This comes on top of what many are considering systemic failures in the high rise building and construction industries.
(Flammable cladding and high rise structural defects)

And also the motor vehicle manufacturers.
(Takata airbags and VW Diesel Emissions cheating)

Some might say it is a failure of regulation. Others might suggest that existing standards and regulations have not failed. The second option suggests a failure of the regulators.

Failures of our regulators are also apparent in our financial markets.
(Insurance, Financial advisors, Banking)

And most recently Aged Care Services. Some might add concerns around our responses to DV and sexual abuse within core institutions of our education and religion.

Is it any surprise we should now include amusement park ride owners and operators in the list our governments have failed in their duty to protect the innocent users. Whether it is the ACCC or the officers in the state WHS departments they all need adequate resources and funding to do their jobs effectively. They also need the skills to act diligently and timely with the legal support necessary to enforce compliance.

There is no public comment yet on the Dream World tragedy to suggest whether more needs to be done in these areas.


Perhaps they will change the name to “Nightmare Planet”.


Rant warning!..

@mark_m This is demonstrating the failure of the libertarian right wing (LRW) (currently in power) who do not believe that Governments should interfere in private enterprise’s functioning as they choose. The (LRW) believe that the market will regulate itself if they take the laize-faire approach.

Unfortunately as you have enunciated, the bulk of the toll and cost is borne by us - the plebes. Equally unfortunate is that fact that the majority of voters can not see the connection between an unregulated or poorly regulated market and the human cost that results.

It is only when there is a large scale tradgedy and the degrees of seperation are reduced to a point where the connections between cause and consequence can’t be ignored. Only then do the plebes stir and make grumbly noises. Only then do the libertarian right pretend to do something about reigning in the profligate abuses.


OT warning

Yet come election time the plebes’ memories become quite short, responding to sports grants, church grants, and what some might deem electoral skulduggery such as making campaign materials look like official government products.

The plebes also seem to respond as favourably to pretence as to real.

BAU remains reflected in the port barrelling under local member controls, but I doubt it or any similar program would be unique to any segment of our parties.

The Stronger Communities program allocates grants only to organisations that have been formally invited by the local federal MP. ← obviously no opportunity to use it for political purposes, right!


Aptly chosen for a topic concerning “Theme Parks and Amusement Rides”. :wink:

I wonder who does the risk assessments and safety audits of the apparatus under the big flag pole in Canberra? A very risk adverse bunch of … .

After all how that bunch (and the states) lead sets the tone for everything else the poor consumer is victim to, from failed financial regulation to broken swing sets in the parks.