Switching away from wood heating - your experience

I don’t think it is sensible to ask Choice to publish epidemiological studies to justify taking a given policy direction. Even links to same would be ignored by most.

I see grahroll has responded with a lot of references that will get you started on the science and save me some trouble. I have others if that is insufficient.

As a general observation the fact that air pollution is a major cause of morbidity and mortality world wide and the fact that smoke from wood fires is a significant contributor to that pollution (and not just in third world countries where there is much less choice) has been known for years.

My guess is that along with similar health effects from gas stoves this problem is getting a run in the media now as these activities produce greenhouse gasses as well as PMs and toxic gasses and because technology has provided good cleaner alternatives that were not there a generation ago.

Oh, and I haven’t seen Choice or anybody here advocating banning wood heating. It is a complex problem. I addressed some of it here.