Swarovski Membership Scam?

Perhaps getting some legal advice on what next steps you should take will also help you decide what to do. Your first step would normally be to go formal, this entails you sending Swarovski the request for what you want in writing. Do not rely on phone calls to undertake this step, contact should be in writing so you have proof of what you have requested. Fair Trading almost always requires proof of you having done this. Fair Trading for the most part are about mediation and so you may find that if Swarovski are not willing to listen, Fair Trading may say there is nothing they can do. Next step after Fair Trading may be a case in the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal as they are the State arm of the ACL that can award you the outcome you seek. They will again almost always want to see proof of you requesting an outcome from the business and that you have tried using Fair Trading, before they will hear a case.

Consumer Legal advice centres are in every State and Territory, they are fee free to use and get advice from. They may also help you frame your request letter and help you determine what other steps you can take. We do have a list on this site that has some of the Legal centres contact details for each State and Territory. Free Legal Advice Centres

CHOICE and the ACCC have templates of request letters you may wish to use.


CHOICE (the link to the templates is in the linked page)