Solar power company burns eyes

Two thoughts, after a week his eyesight is still not back to normal - if it never comes back to normal to what extent will that affect various aspects of his life? work? etc? and what comeback to the people who did the work? Secondly, who will it be next? and will it just be their sight affected? and how might he feel if it wasn’t fully investigated and reads about the next person in the news? If they don’t know what caused it how can they say it won’t happen again and he will be the next person?

This assumes theres some kind of wrong-doing by the sparkies most recently involved, but it could be a previous job and there might be record of that?

I also carefully acknowledge that this is not intended as criticism - I bet this has affected him deeply and it will also certainly take some time to settle and consider options. Something just doesn’t seem right about the people he is dealing with and you’d hate to see him disadvantaged by someone shonky.

I really hope he does recover completely, and very glad it wasn’t a lot worse!


I agree with you but he has his first baby due in 3 weeks and his wife first time in labour. There is a lot on his plate at the moments. I intend to broach this with him when he is a little calmer. I will see him on the weekend and guage more from there. and yes I agree. It has affected him far more than he is saying. Right now I think his wife and coming baby are taking precedence and his attitude is she’ll be right mate. Thank you everyone so much for your concern. You are all correct. this should not be let go. If it was me I would be on the tv by now or consumer affairs or something but its not me unfortunately.

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That is dreadful - it should be on facebook too so they have to be accountable. It just doesn’t bear thinking about if his eyes had been damaged.

I agree margaret but my son is just pleased his eyes are ok. he doesnt want to make a fuss. if it were me it would be all over fb by now. i agree. the guy should be investigated and the company. shoddy contractors

You’d really need to know what actually happened, and why it happened, before too many accusations were made on fb.

He must have been extremely unlucky to have the “explosion” occur just as he opened the lid, but he really should be following it up with the electrical authority.