Solar passive house: How to choose appliances

The approach that is most intellectually appealing to me, especially since you have a greenfields opportunity, is a suitably sized solar array with batteries sufficient to ideally last days if necessary, and electric everything. If you have sufficient roof area solar hot water and pool heating would make sense to possibly lessen battery capacity required.

Re lighting, if you are running everything from your own solar power it comes down to aesthetics and personal preferences, noting anything LED is going to have less electrical load than anything with conventional filaments.

Simplistically, if you install a solar system with batteries that can sustain (eg) a 20KW load, you can ‘do what you want’ with that electrical load. Balancing ‘what you want’ against the costs of an appropriately sized solar system, and whether you stay on (and getting FiTs) or going off grid are economic (and sometimes practical) matters. If you use gas that will be a discrete cost for supply and use, while electrics will be ‘free’ or minimised.

I hope my rambling made sense. To get an overview of what is on the market you could visit the Enter Shop or G-Store here in Melbourne area.