Solar Panel Systems Quality and Safety in Australia

Looking online, it appears that Blueline solar sourced many of its components from companies including Solar Edge and Ever Solar. Neither Solar Edge or Eversolar are German companies or specialise German made products. Eversolar is now known as Zeversolar and was renamed after SMA bought an interest in the company…it is a Chinese company which manufactures in China.

There are German links. Solar Edge has offices in Germany (headoffice in Israel) and Zeversolar is partnered by SMA…a German solar energy equipment supplier. Their website says…‘Since 2013, we have become a part of the world´s leading manufacturer of inverters for photovoltaic systems: SMA.

If you still had the inverter, which now appears to have been removed by someone, one could have checked to see if it was a rebadged Zeversolar one. While Blueline rebadged solar equipment under their own name (which may make difficult to have a recourse against the manufacturing company), it may have been worthwhile contacting Zeversolar using the contact details on their website to see if they could have been of assistance. As the original inverter is long gone, this opportunity has possibly gone.

While it won’t assist you, but for anyone else considering installing solar it is often suggested to only purchase renown and recognised branded solar equipment components, rather than those which have been rebranded by an Australian company for onselling. It is easy to identify rebranded equipment from doing simple internet searches on the companies involved.

Dealing with a renown and recognised brand, while it may be slightly more expensive, provides opportunity to deal with the manufacturer/Australian distributor in the case where the installer business no longer exists. If the installer used rebranded products, particularly of their own, it can be very difficult to resolve any faults which occur in the warranty period (either the manufacturer’s or under the Australian Consumer Law).

I do sympathise with you as you have been left with what appears to be a dud product with no avenue for a recourse against the installer/equipment supplier.