Smart Watch Battery replacement

It is unlikely that you will get a business to install the battery, even if they have the ability to do so. This is for a number of reasons…

  • they won’t be able to determine if the battery is genuine OEM product (there are a lot of fakes/non-genuines on the market which will look and be labelled with manufacture details) or meets the operating specifications of the watch.
  • If the battery causes damage to the watch (from dot point 1) and the watch fails, it may be seen by the consumer that the business has caused the watch to fail or be damaged. This poses challenges under the Australian Consumer Law.

Have you tried to visit an independent electronic fix it type business, one that replaces screen or batteries in a range of smart devices (phones, tablets etc). It is possible they they may be able to change the battery, however, they possibly will refuse to use the battery you have purchased but their own (for the above reasons).

If you wish to use your own battery and the risks associated with using it, they may be videos or websites which show how it can be done. You may however need special tools to open the casing.