Skechers Shoes - which models should Australian Consumers assess with care before purchase?

I don’t buy them anymore skechers. As i slid a few times dry paths were ok but some wet surfaces are dreadful. I found them really comfortable to wear. I would really like to know what materials go into making them meaning the sole. I wouldn’t expect anyone to test the material or reason for slippage.

I have fallen due to the front of sole catching on smooth wooden floor. I remembered something from rehab when I’d had a hip replacement - always walk with heel first. It didn’t mean anything till I had this fall - now I make an effort to remember. It takes a while to get into a new habit, but it works.

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I am 5 weeks into falling because of my skechers sticking to the floor in a department store. 3 broken bones in my shoulder and 30 stitches in my forehead. Apparently I will never get the feeling back in my forehead as the nerves were damaged. These trainers should be taken off the shelves, how skechers havent been sued god only knows.

Welcome @Jayne to the Australian Community forum of CHOICE the Australian Consumers Association.

It’s distressing to hear of your injuries. Hope you are getting the best medical service and support. Can we reliably assume you are covered by the National Health Service of the UK.

You may find it beneficial to use your UK consumer rights. There are various avenues. “Which?” is a more relevant resource.

If you have an opportunity please feel free to share the model number and name of the product. Skechers produce approx 3000 different styles of product across their range. A photo of the sole pattern might also be of interest.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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Just to recap, the skechers that tripped me up were go walk joy predict. There is definitely problems with these skechers as both my sister and friend have the same style and they have noticed they stick on vinyl floor covering and tiles in stores

Thank you for the further comment on the style.
Have they stopped wearing them? Have you all taken the shared experience to Skechers in the UK? Have you followed up your consumer rights in the UK?

For a comparison posting a picture of the shoes and sole pattern in question would be really helpful in informing others of what to watch out for.


Note that Skechers (no “T”) Australian website has a long list of models with “slip-resistant traction soles”, which I’m guessing are probably the culprits, @Jayne?

An aside - Skechers has various models for small children, including this model for toddlers I happened to notice. It warns that it has a “non-removable” button battery for flashing light effects. :flushed:

It had better be genuinely non-toddler-removable, is all I can say, having raised two kids through their toddlerhoods.


The partner bought ‘Go Walk Massage’ in February 2024. In contrast to our normal short-ish walks at home we have been on holiday doing lots of walking over the past 2 months.

I witnessed her stumbling many times on various types of surfaces, none leading to falls just an interruption to her otherwise normal stable gait. She finds them very comfy to walk in and was dismissive it might be an issue with the shoes. I cited this historical topic never having noticed her having the ‘stumbles’ with any other footwear.

They seem to ‘dig in’ as mentioned by prior posters possibly because they are grippy. They could be sensitive to surface compositions or as it appeared, to minor irregularities in the surfaces.

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