Scamwatch: NBN & Telstra Optus Technical Department Scams

Simply put MONEY. Foreign income as small as it might be is easy takings to help offset import costs (Balance of Trade). While people complain about the calls you don’t see much of the same irate voicing about changing legislation to stop the selling of Australian numbers to Overseas users who have no actual Australian affiliation. Telstra call centres or similar based overseas are still bound by the DNC and Spam legislation and so you can easily make a complaint and Telstra or whomever will be held accountable. When it is a non Australian based one however like these dodgy spam callers then you have no real recourse.

Want legislative change then contact your Federal reps by phone, visit their electoral offices if close enough, send them emails about the changes, send them snail mail, put a comment in the local paper/s, start a petition or join in one, let your friends and family know about what could be done…all of these things can have an effect to get changes made.