RSPCA Pet Insurance Shonky

This has been long known in this family. Hollard Group’s Insurance Underwriting run almost all if not all these pet insurances you see promoted on TV. RSPCA, et al are just getting small snips of the cash that flows, the fact that it is only a part of the first year’s worth or an ongoing small piece is sadly the outcome it has been for as long as they have been running them. I guess RSPCA et al deems the small amount (comparatively to premiums) as better than none at all.

Mind you Hollard are Sth African so most profits from this insurance end up flowing out of Australia.

For a more comprehensive listing of businesses in insurance they are part of see the following links:

For those who don’t like to follow links:

Perhaps the Insurance Underwriting of Hollard might be the real worthy Shonky, not Australian yet much of it’s product is seen as Australian, no excess on pet insurance because you pay 100% of the bill up front and they reimburse 80% if you meet the criteria and don’t fall into an exclusion, money leaves Australia for distant shores…

I’m sure most of the partner brands are a similar situation re the benefit they get as the RSPCA one. Though most aren’t charities so free money just from using their name. AustPost, BUPA, HCF, HIF among them :wink: