RF pollution, radiation and cancer - smart meters, mobile phones and WiFI

Absolutely true. Everyone would be well served by referencing reliable scientifically based information rather than conspiracy sites.

Their value for managing power is questionable, but the RF hazards are essentially a mobile phone or less. [quote=“coolaz, post:13, topic:15081”]
because the microwave part isn’t switched on yet.

What part would that be that has a microwave in a smart meter, or any meter?

This US site makes the points that we endure so much RF from so many sources across such a wide spectrum it would be near impossible if not impossible to isolate a cause-effect for a health hazard from any single one of them.

My take on the smart meter is that the major ‘benefit’ is it provides the utilities a way to increase their revenue from us through enabling plans with time-of-day demand pricing. But that has nothing to do with health.

If you are truly concerned about RF you should be abandoning your mobile and your wifi for starters.[quote=“coolaz, post:13, topic:15081”]
The bottom line for economising on electricity usage in the house is to simply be conscious of your usage, and in particular the time of day you use it. If you’ve got solar panels, use your appliances when you’re generating your own electricity.
Well written, that.