Plastic everywhere

A very concerning article regarding claims that plastics are affecting human reproduction.

There are always great ideas.

Manufacturing digestible cling wrap from food waste and recycling it using microbes. The raw PHA plastic can be used as a replacement for raw materials usually derived from hydrocarbon fuels.

Among the benefits of PHA plastics they are considered biodegradable. Does that suggest it will be OK to litter and leave them lying around, or should they be recycled in a controlled system?


Great stuff.

Who would have thought that something as light as cling wrap would add up to some 150,000 tonnes going to landfill each year just in Australia?



How I learned to stop worrying and love breathing plastic:

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Not that the point needs labouring:

Compostable plastic. Now we are getting somewhere.

Great stuff.


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One form of plastic pollution which is often overlooked is the one produced by clothing made from synthetics such as Polyester, Nylon, Elastane,etc.
Active-wear, jeans, t-shirts, underwear, and much more, are made from those fabrics and every time they’re washed tiny fibres are leached into the environment: microfibres pass through filters and eventually get into our oceans and end up being consumed by the seafood.


Which we also consume, hence we get our plastic back in the fish and chips?
Will we ever be able to say that anything we consume is free of micro plastics?

Even organic fruit and veg will contain micro plastics. There is an assumption ‘certified organic’ excludes plastic contamination. The BBC report indicates rainfall is contributing to the spread of micro plastics to all agriculture.


From the article "One thing you can start doing now is washing your rice with water before cooking it.

According to the researchers, washing rice reduced plastic contamination by 20 to 40 per cent."

We only buy Basmati rice produced in the Himalayas and I wash and drain it 3 times prior to cooking it in our rice cooker

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Washing also reduces the Arsenic amount that the rice has.

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Which doesn’t help much with precooked rice that’s heated in the packaging and:



Link to an Ad about plastic pollution on Twitter (image is hyperlinked) worth watching even if it is about UK but hey it’s about us all really.



Scientists create a vegan alternative to plastic.

The latest update from the Boomerang Alliance.


Dear XXXX,

It’s nearly the end of the financial year and we are pleased to report what we have achieved so far.

We have the Victorian and Tasmanian container deposit schemes on track; we’ve seen states pass bans on damaging and polluting single use plastics; and we have kept pressure up on the plastic packaging sector.

But we still have a lot of work to do.

We rely on our core supporters like you, to achieve a safer and more sustainable environment. You can help us fight waste - day in, day out.

Click here to help combat waste and plastic pollution by giving a generous donation

We’re asking you to join our big push to get extra recycling and make the national packaging targets mandatory so we actually reach those important goals by 2025.

We also have to ensure that when the plastic bans come in, we put restrictions on the alternative products to avoid greenwashing by the packaging industry.

We’ll be working with other peak groups on Australia’s contribution to a global plastic treaty. We want Australia to be the leader in the Asia-Pacific region.

We will also be expanding our successful Plastic Free Places program, which has removed over 8 million pieces of single use plastics.

Click to play the video message from Boomerang Alliance Director, Jeff Angel

Click to play the video message from Boomerang Alliance Director, Jeff Angel

The Boomerang Alliance needs to continue to be a sustainable, long-term powerhouse for change. Can you help us make the next twelve months count with a tax-deductible donation?

Thank you for your support, we can’t do it without you.

Jeff - Boomerang Alliance

Every donation $2 and over is tax deductible

Tracking plastic from orbit:

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A report on plastic pollution producers and their false solutions.


An interesting article regarding research into consumers’ attitudes towards plastic packaging.

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Some good news regarding polystyrene.

What is old is new again in the packaging world. Things like wool, waste cotton, wooden framing for support were the “Soup de Jour” of packing many years ago.

Of course we now place compressed polystyrene into the ground as part of house foundations. A way to add further need for a fossil fuel industry into our futures? At one time it might have been stone and rubble to reduce concrete use or just add more concrete without using “fillers”.