Paywave, Tap-and-Go and more - what are your thoughts on contactless technology

Thanks for that, just locked my Commbank Visa. Now to see if it can be done with Macquarie.


Nothing much is “freshly made”, the burgers are assembled from product stored normally in trays, with the buns toasted just before the rest of the assembly. You could get lucky re fresh but most is not.


Doesnt seem like it. Guess I’ll keep my faraday cage :slight_smile:


Sorry - I mean freshly reheated/packaged.


But you can get lucky and have to wait while they cook stuff up fresh. Ask for an egg to be added after breakfast they normally have to cook a new one for you, or an “All day breakfast” item after Breakfast hours have passed. Or you can get a bit more “cheeky” and ask for a fresh meat patty to be cooked. All takes extra time though.

The meat patties taste pretty bland unless they are the breakfast ones as I usually ask them to ditch the buns & sauces (same for Hungry Jacks “No Bun or dressings please”) and the result is pretty ordinary as goes taste.

End of bagging food product here and I will get back to the topic theme.

Contactless tech is great if you never lose control of that tech, if you do then it can hurt and hurt a lot.

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Would you, please, expand on that comment @grahroll?:slightly_smiling_face:

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Sure @Gaby. If your card is stolen permanently or even used without your knowledge and then placed back in your possesion if the transactions are under $100 each time a person can rack up in a very short time large amounts of debt in your name. They can even do it a number of times at the same business to overcome the $100 limit by keeping each purchase under $100 eg buy a dress then buy a T-shirt or blouse, then buy jeans then buy a coat, then buy some food, then buy some accessories and so it could go. At some point your bank may react but not every Business sends these remittances as single taps but bulk uploads the transactions when either a number or a time has been reached.

The situation can be worse for you if you trust someone with the card to do something for you and they abuse that trust. The Bank can deny your claim for reimbursement as you gave authority to another to use your personal card. Then you have to recover from the user and all that may entail. So never ever do this unless you are willing to wear that debt eg your partner may be worth it but not anyone else not even children.

Skimming card details is also possible either at the terminal or as people get close enough for NFC to work. Harder to use and succeed but it is possible and does happen.

So once this debt has been made in your name, you have to prove that it wasn’t you, you have to cancel the card, you may have to wait weeks for the transactions to be reversed (likely but not always), you have to wait for a new card, you have to cancel all your approved on-going transfers and reset them with the new card details (which may take weeks to get). Just hurt

I personally have used my card at a single Supermarket three times within several minutes with no Bank contact, no card freeze, no rejection.


I do get the odd customer in my workplace ask if they can split a payment into multiple sub-$100 payments because they ‘forgot’ their pin. I generally tell people no, explaining that if that if the card is stolen we’d get a chargeback.

I actually went to a liquor store in Perth city the other week that had no contactless payment, as they lost too much money in this way.


I don’t like it ok as sometimes you don’t know it has occurred just like today when i was filling up my car and my card had already swiped without realising. How come the banks have allowed this to occur. I still prefer to use a pin for security. I really think the banks have to change and go back to at least using pins like we did before it changed. Just my opinion.

Security experts recommend using phone based technology (eg:Apple Wallet) - each transaction generates a new credit card number that cannot be tracked by the reseller or scammed. It also requires something like Face ID or phone PIN to complete the transaction. Two factor authorisation of online transactions is another added security - Fred

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