Outdoor Cleaning Products

The active ingredients for Wet&Go and 30 Seconds are different…they are outlined in the MSDS for both products:

30 Seconds:

The active ingredients for both products contain compounds which are highly detrimental to aquatic biota and applying these chemicals to outdoor surfaces exposed to the weather increases its risk of being washed into local waterways.

The concern is that the average punter possibly won’t understand the ramifications on not using the product wisely and misuse can potentially cause significant offsite environmental impacts (especially when applied and the compounds when active are allowed to wash from the treated area to stormwater and ultimately waterways).

Many of the things that these compounds treat are potentially not an issue if left untreated. This includes things like lichen on ones roof, moss or moulds on external concrete surfaces etc. These are more cosmetic rather than being a long term damage to the structure covered by these ‘things’.

The other impact could be using these products on roofs which also have rainwater tank systems. The consumption of these chemical compounds due to the chemicals being washed into a rainwater tank may not be wise.

I can see the need for such products where say a walking surface has a high cover of mould/algae and become slippery when wet. However, there are possibly cheaper and just as effective treatments for the mould/algae removal such as a high pressure cleaner, using boiling water/heat gun or even old fashion scrubbing and rinsing.