Mobile Service Coverage & Quality Issues

Start with the most basic of requirements and look to finding a reliable answer to if and how Telstra manages Aldi customers on the Telstra network compared to their own for,

  • I need to make a call, will Telstra place my mobiles request to complete a connection through the cell with a priority the same as or less?
  • If a cell is congested will Telstra selectively push away Aldi customers attempted connections outgoing or incoming to favour it’s own?
  • Is there greater potential when the local cell is very busy for a Telstra serviced customer to get a 000 call through than any other?
  • For SMS are they queued equally in turn irrespective of Telstra or Aldi, or will Aldi customers note more delays in one or both directions?

It’s a given that for data services there is a proportionate cost (value judgement) for speed and volume. Something most users can feel, understanding optional.

Most of us now depend on our mobiles.
For the basic service of making and receiving a call should there be any difference between whose brand of sim one chooses? We used to a have a meaningful service guarantee for the old home phone. I’d expect Choice would know who to ask and how to go about providing a solution if testing for any differences as above.

Yes, a topic of its own if you accept there being real differences in coverage and connection for essential needs. It suggests allowing Telstra in particular to differentiate is creating an unequal and unfair competitive advantage.