Mattress bought on store recommendation

As with many things there are multiple ways to view many events. In hindsight were you subjected to ‘salesmanship’ or a form of pressure even that being reliance on their apparently faulty computer matching system? From your posts that is what seemingly happened.

Accepting the business’ viewpoint is sometimes the right thing to do, but not always. There is a mismatch of ‘power’ between a trusting customer and a bonus seeking salesperson (concept to be taken broadly) to make a point, even though the customer could with enough personal confidence, just walk away.

As you posted, there was a disparity between Forty Winks computer recommendation and that from the bedding company’s ‘match’. For myself, that would be enough of a data point to cause a lack of trust in the sales tool and thus their response to your claim.

Regardless that you had the opportunity to ‘test’ it in store it remained inappropriate considering your initial ask. While ‘the computer’ and the salesperson seemingly ignored that should not be a defence, excuse, or reason to avoid customer satisfaction and importantly responsibilities under the ACL in spirit as well as just in the letter of the law.

I hope whatever outcome you have is satisfactory to yourself, and whether you take it further is your personal decision. You probably have much to think about from the differing views posted here.

Have a good holiday, and when you have an acceptable mattress a relaxing and comfy new year.


Have you considered a waterbed? They are comfortable and soft. I have slept on one for years. They support the contours of the body, a significant benefit over mattress-style beds. They also cost less than conventional beds. I can suggest suppliers and installers, depending on your location. PM me for more information if you’re interested.

I fleetingly considered it, afterwards.
I think I kind of dismissed it right away because I have young grandchildren and could just imagine they’d be on it every time I turned my back :rofl:

We ended up getting a myside mattress with super soft on my side and soft on my husband’s. Now to just wait for it to get softer. It’s still softer than the other 2 though, so not as painful.
Unfortunately I now have over $400 in a store credit (which I would rather refunded) and the linen or pillows they have are very expensive. More than I would ever pay for normally. However I might just have to wear it and consider it a lesson.

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