JULY FOOD CHAMPION'S CHALLENGE : Your go to kitchen utensil or appliance

When I was walking past Robins Kitchen in a nearby shopping center a few days ago, I was amazed to see that they had a sale on.

I popped in and asked about potato ricers as I had never actually seen one, and they are like a giant version of our garlic press.

I bought one and used it that night to mash the peeled potato pieces that I boiled in a saucepan.

Super quick and easy and no lumps. I should have got one years ago.

And I followed this recipe.

I drained the potato into a colander and then riced it back into the saucepan. Too easy.

I watched Diana Chan on her TV show on SBS Food yesterday and she prepared a Vietnamese dish with noodles.

After she had prepared the noodle mixture and had a large pot of water boiling, she simply put the mixture into a potato ricer and extruded it into the boiling water in batches.

Unbelievable easy.
