Irritating mistakes on Google maps

Apple Maps also has the correct address.


Thank you! I have used your method to try to correct my address more times than I care to remember!


That is disappointing. I would find this very stressful.

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I do!

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We have already tried contacting Google Maps, as our driveway is clearly visible from the satellite, to no avail!

Another victim.


Mostly remarks about online mapping failures are from the point of view of the driver who is sent on a wild goose chase by their car’s or phone’s app.

GM also shows many railway stations that do not exist or that have not provided any rail service for decades. A trap for young players who don’t have a car and travel by public transport.

GM is not the only one that does this so there must be some official dataset that is being misused by online map makers. That data is either way out of date or it is regularly misinterpreted as showing only functional railway stations when it also shows all the places that have ever had or contemplated having one.

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Our experience of raising concerns with GM suggests it is too easy for one or two voices to influence changes. The most recent on one hand sensibly remove road reserves showing as accessible roads. On the other hand numerous accessible gazetted public roads have disappeared.

Nothing but speculation as to how this comes about?

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I have made several changes to Google Maps. Sometimes fixing typos, occasionally correcting a business location or saying that it no longer exists.

Ah, the joys of unpaid work for Alphabet.


Google Maps seems to like sending people down dirt tracks.

Fortunately, the tourists survived the experience.


My fav error is a winery near Rutherglen. Sitting in their carpark the GPS told me it was 38km to the east!


Welcome to 'Straya. Didja see any crocs? Waddabout those snakes? Hope ya watched out for drop bears, matie.

One does not need to be a foreign born tourist to find misadventure. Support from Google optional! :wink: