Insolvencies, Administration, and the Fallout

If nobody was charged over this then our corporate laws and their enforcement really need some work! Yes, they need a lot of work regardless, but this - and the case of Bissett changing its charging process - seem unconscionable! A case of taking customers for a ride when you already know you’re sinking.

That’s true, and in 90%+ of cases they are wrong. I would suggest that those executives of companies who decide to change their charging practices in such a manner and then go into administration should be held liable personally and severally to the affected customers.

I agree, and this does make for some large problems to become mammoth problems when that switch is used. The US offers one alternative, that is worth considering. As you pointed out, that path can be and has been misused, so while our current laws are not perfect we would need to examine alternatives very closely before adapting their positive elements to Australia’s needs.