How much water is added to cow's milk alternatives?

Why not provide your own alternative draft to Choice for consideration? Forward perhaps to @BrendanMays.

Personally I use the Choice Guides as ‘Guides’. They are written in a way that is easy to follow. I use them to come to better decisions. If on occasion I choose differently, it is with the benefit of having read the guides.

I don’t take them as the ultimate instructions for life and living. There are others who offer various brands on how to do that, some religious, sone diet driven and some pseudo science or quackery.

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You exaggerate. Having just agreed that some compromise on the length of articles is required you now jump to the conclusion that the author thinks vitamin content is the only factor worth considering. If a journalist must trim down the content what is wrong with leading with the most obvious feature - nutrition? Nobody said it was the only feature. You mischievously fail to mention that after that lead the article goes on to deal with two other factors (taste, weight management) so the lead is not the only one.

You also exaggerate the consequences saying that cow’s milk allergy is missing. Whether you mean the literal allergy (an immune system reaction to milk protein) or lactose intolerance ( a genetic inability to digest lactose) which have very similar symptoms, the fact is those who suffer from it do not need to be told by Choice. If you have intestinal distress of various kinds each time you consume cows’ milk you or your parents will have worked it out long before you are up to reading Choice. Those who suffer from such problems who want to drink some kind of milk will want to know about taste and nutrition of alternatives.

Where did you get that? I don’t see anywhere that contrast is made. Surely you are not saying that the taste and nutrition of cow’s milk are not two different factors.

This kind of quibble might be useful if editing Wikipedia where there is a fetish about unattributed statements but this isn’t a reference work nor an academic paper. The implication from the article is that this view is held by most readers. Do you want to see learned citations to this effect? Sorry I don’t have any but I think it is true and I suggest most other readers do too. Cow’s milk and its products is a staple of this society. What is wrong with choosing as the benchmark the kind of milk that has the greatest sales by far?

It obviously fails your test but you then produce your own untested assumption inferring that is so for the rest of us.

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Interesting discussion, and thanks for the feedback @LamaanWhyte. There is a concerted effort to making our articles clear and easy to understand, for example we’re considering things like natural language, technical accuracy, complexity and balancing it to a varied audience. It’s something we aim to continually improve over time. I’ll make sure the authors receive the comments made here.

As the OP’s original query has been answered, I’ll close this topic. However, our site feedback section remains open for when it’s needed.