Has The WWF Been Telling Porkies?

Australia does have agreed targets for retention of native forests for environmental needs/conservation.

No comment as to whether they are adequate. The following link is to an interactive web page that allows the user to take a more local and personal look at the distribution of native forest types by state, condition, ownership and use.

One ready observation is that Queensland holds the greater portion of all remaining native forests in Australia. It holds approx 47% of the nations acacia forests and 35% of all eucalypt forests while setting aside/protects just 8% of acacia and 7% of eucalypt forests.

Because Eucalypt forests broadly are not considered vulnerable the retaining just 15% of the original rule applies.

WWF is competing for funds with other not for profit Australian conservation organisations. Each has a particular focus. It’s worthwhile looking at whether joining a particular community focussed organisation is the one that best meets your needs. They all have a purpose.