Food packaging problems - which products give you wrap rage?

Try taking that back. :rofl:

What do you think would happen if the packet was quite waterproof?

I know why there are air holes, but does there need to be as many as four and do they need to be nearly invisible? I’m tired of mopping up the juice from the kitchen counter…

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I’m becoming extremely irritated by food in plastic trays where the tray cannot be recycled in regular recycling and has to be taken to Coles for single use plastic recycling.


I was doing that but stopped because one shouldn’t have to use a knife.


The irony is strong with this one:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Tassal… I am each way. What do you think of salmon farming practices?

I agree usually the only way is using a paring knife carefully cut down the sides pretty annoying i find. Cover with glad wrap… I get a 4 pack one it’s perforated but still need to cut with scissors and some plastic is quite sharp. I cit my finger on tje wrap used for vegetables recently. Couldn’t believe that. It was sharp to touch because it hadn’t properly shrunk to the vegetable bad a bubble…