Electric Bike & Electric Scooter Injury Risks

Concerns E-scooter riders are putting both themselves and others at risk of expensive medical claims and financial losses.
EG time off work, not everyone gets sick leave or those who do paid as well for time off as time at work. Have a family, who is going to help look after the children?

Similar risks exist for the other forms of powered or non powered rideable including bicycles. What has made the E-scooter more noticeable is the ability (often illegally) to mix it up with pedestrians on footpaths.

The ABC article and injuries Julia received relate to a shared pathway where it is legal to use a hired E-scooter. As related in another topic,

The insurance cover provided by the operator is very limited. In this instance it appears the policy excludes any cover for the injured party.

The use of hired E-scooter, Segway, E-bike etc is increasing. Is it time for a political solution that requires mandatory insurance cover with no exclusions?

That the industry does not, leaves the following a contradiction only regulation might resolve.

A spokesperson for Lime Micromobility said: “Safety is the foundation of everything we do at Lime and we are proud that the overwhelming majority of our rides are completed safely both here in Melbourne and around the world.”

Profit motives ensure the place of cheap junk insurance in the industry.

There are equally compelling reasons to find a solution that also addresses incidents involving riders on privately owned E-scooters etc. The best most of us currently might expect if seriously injured or debilitated in such an incident is a lifetime with the NDIS.