Electric and Alternative Vehicle Fuels

That’s really interesting! Do you record your data? You could get that information online to help further the knowledge of fuel consumption. I record the fuel efficiency of my vehicle, but I don’t stick to one particular company, so I wouldn’t be able to notice any changes between brands.

Thanks, I’ll check it out!

Oh no, that doesn’t sound like a very scientific way to think; to make up your mind when there isn’t yet any conclusive evidence. What I said was,

There are a lot of misguided journalists who repeat the claims of a debunked article called ‘Dust to Dust’. This thoroughly scrutinised paper drew false conclusions when comparing the overall environmental impact of eletric cars to fossil fuel cars.

I will review the USEPA article, noting that it states, “In addition, the SWCNT nanotechnology applications assessed show promise for improving the energy density and ultimate performance of the Li-ion batteries in vehicles. However, the energy needed to produce these anodes in these early stages of development is significant (i.e., may outweigh potential energy efficiency benefits in the use stage). Over time, if researchers focus on reducing the energy intensity of the manufacturing process before commercialization, the overall environmental profile of the technology has the potential to improve dramatically.”

An electric bus that drives 1774km and refuels in an hour, a production electric vehicle that drove Melbourne to Sydney with the same number and duration of stops as a fossil fuel car, electric trucks that can drive return trips of 80% of truck routes on a single charge and can refuel in half an hour if the trip is particularly long (ie. longer than 800km). That covers an immense majority of vehicle users.

While I understand the technology wasn’t perfect in it’s early stages, and warranted such concerns, electric vehicles have come a long way since then (pun intended). :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks! I’ve got it now and will read through it soon :slight_smile:

@syncretic, you’ve hit the nail on the head. Naysayers will always point out the one person who lives 60km south-east of Warburton that won’t benefit from this technology, but seem to ignore the overwhelming majority of people that would benefit from this technology.