Does the Gig Economy provide a fair deal?

It appears that the gig economy success is dependent on its ability to bypass existing regulations and government policies. The more regulated an industry, such as employment, the more attractive it is for gig companies to set up regimes to disrupt the status quo. Many disruptions only benefit the early entry gig companies as they try to maximise their market share and shareholder value as quickly as possible before other parties enter the same gig economy and potentially dilute their worth.

Today we might, but the future?

I expect more companies entering in the same gig economy won’t create competition, but in the long run, most of these players will fall to the wayside until a monopoly like that of Google, Facebook etc is created. When the successful business has a monopoly, this is when return on investment will occur as they will dominate and control the market/gig economy. There will be carnage on the pathway to a monopoly, and no one will win (except shareholders of the monopoly business).

I might be pessimistic, but there is sufficient precedence that this is what most likely will happen.