COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV) News

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Are mining and fracking essential services? Are they more essential than indigenous health?

Monash University discovers existing drug that kills coronavirus.

South Australian researchers are working on a coronavirus vaccine.

In vitro. We are still a long way from a cure.


It should also be mentioned that viruses are not actually alive to start with!

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And in today’s episode of “You just can’t help stupid”.

Idiots want to destroy 5G cell sites over coronavirus stupidity.

Brain dead idiots continue to party on.

And another grub of the lowest order.

Hopefully not just a pathetic wet tram ticket on the wrist special.

I have a hunch!

One day we will have a cure. :slightly_smiling_face:

The ABC was recently discussing on local radio that we might need to start filtering all the good, speculative and clearly wrong Information we are bombarded with on ‘The VIRUS’. It’s potentially causing personal overload and increased levels of stress.

Perhaps we need to be more cautious, and interpret content with intent, which seems to be what @syncretic was saying above?

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Yes, thanks to the multiple teams of scientists working on it.

As Winston Churchill famously said “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

And as the old Chinese proverb states “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

I believe that it is better to keep people informed that some progress is being made rather than one claim I saw the other day that we may never have a vaccine.

I will throw my lot in with the “glass half full” camp.

I have been in receipt of messages and read ‘news’ blaming everything from 5G, climate change, big pharmaceutical companies, the CIA, Russia, eating processed foods/use of modern day chemicals in China, eating meat…all claiming links to COVID-19. It appears (political) activists or conspirators will link any wayward issue to their cause, to gain further traction with their own causes or to create mischief.

One has to go with the science from experts, rather than pseudoscience from conspirators.

Edit…some of these conspiracies and misinformation relating to the virus are outlined on this wiki page.

Current scientific thought is that it is none of the above, but due to potentially natural evolution of the virus. The virus occurs naturally in the environment, and after many, many generations of the virus (natural evolution) has changed into a virus which can affect humans. This article provides some insight to the likely origins of COVID-19.

Subscribing to these conspiracy theories or misinformation does not assist in the management the pandemic or treatment of the disease. In fact, some of these can be very dangerous to those who take on the messages or advice…one example is methanol poisoning (estimated over 300 deaths) in the Middle East due to claims that methanol cured COVID-19.

This is why it is critical to listen to experts rather than the uninformed with their own theories.


Visiting the same Woollies today, they have now introduced every second checkout being open policy…lto ensure only one queue/customer per gap between checkouts. Maybe sanity prevails or Woollies reads Choice.Community posts.

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To be fair, links between climate change and human health effects, including infectious disease, are well known. Confusion is understandable. While no link with COVID-19 has been established, it would be brave or foolish to assert that there can be none.

An interesting article illustrating the exponential spread of viruses.

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Is this a serious prospect for all sponsored commercialised sport?

Tangalooma Island?
Don’t they mean Moreton Island - Tangalooma Resort?
A short chopper flight from BrisVegas the location of the resort can be seen from the top of any taller city office window.

Plenty of other options.

Great Keppel Island might be another just off the coast near Rockhampton. The old resort has been demolished so it might be caravans and tents. A real boys weekend away that lasts for 6 months. Wow!
Just don’t run out of beer. Although the NRL might decide that it is not a good look to be holding boozed players functions, or inviting guests to stay over. Perhaps a dry island, in climate and refreshment options. Social distancing rules still apply.

Alternately there are established accommodation facilities on Christmas and Manus going to waste, complete with kitchens, and sporting areas. A great way for the Government to help out…

Obnoxious NY “influencer” gets preferential treatment for coronavirus testing, tests positive, then goes to a playground for the rich and famous.


Corona to cease production of beer in Mexico.

Now this is really getting serious.

A very interesting regarding scientists predictions of future pandemics.

And a product to help consumers to not touch their faces.

NSW Police have launched a crimminal investigation into the Ruby Princess debacle.

"‘Discrepancies’ in Carnival information on Ruby Princess

By Emily McPherson15:43

NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller says there are “discrepancies” in the information provided by Carnival Cruises over coronavirus cases on board the Ruby Princess cruise ship.

A criminal investigation has been launched into the decision to allow 2700 passengers to leave the vessel in Sydney.

“There seems to be absolute discrepancies between the information provided by Carnival and what I would see is the benchmark for the laws that the Federal Government and the State Government put in place in terms of protecting Australians from cruise ships when coronavirus had started,” Mr Fuller said.

Mr Fuller said Carnival Cruises had indicated it would co-operate with the investigation."

And the vultures are already circling even before the bodies are cold.

And hopefully a precursor to some good news in Australia,

139 new cases in past day

ABC News

Brendan Murphy begins by announcing updated case numbers. Australia has 5,687 cases which is a rise of 139 cases over the last 24 hours. Over 2,000 people have recovered. However, 33 people are on ventilators and 34 have died.

He says about 10% of Australia’s total cases have been acquired by community transmission.

I may sound like a broken record at times but community transmission is what worries me most of all . About 10% of our cases across Australia are those cases where there is no known contact with another case. They’ve appeared from the community. Those are the reason we have brought in the social distancing measures and all of those measures to stop the spread.

He thanks Australians for following the tough social distancing restrictions so far.

"We’re increasingly confident that if people continue to adhere to what we’ve been asking them to do we can prevent a situation like we’ve seen in many other countries of the world.

" We’re in a good place at the moment . We are achieving good control because the community has done what we have asked. They have done all of the things in the main that we’ve asked for them over the last weeks and it’s been hard. It’s been really hard."

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A couple of articles regarding DIY face masks.

And a couple of article recommended taht people who use contact lenses switch to using spectacles.

Australian doctors are making their own protective equipment.

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The Ruby Princess is allowed to dock in NSW.

How ironic is the photo of the ship with the cemetery in the foreground?

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte uses his “drug deaer comabt policy” to enforce the coronavirus lockdown.

And in today’s episode of “You just can’t help stupid”.

‘We’d rather obey God than man’

By CNN12:45

Several churches around the US held services on Palm Sunday, some in defiance of state bans on gatherings aimed at stopping the deadly spread of coronavirus.

“We don’t get our rights to worship freely from the government we get those from God,” said the Reverend Tony Spell of Life Tabernacle Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

"We’d rather obey God than man."Spell held another massive service at Life Tabernacle despite being charged multiple times last week for violating the state ban.

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US pastor defies ban on public gatherings to hold Palm Sunday services

About 1,220 people attended, some bused in and others driving more than 160 kilometres to attend, Spell told CNN.

Spell has previously told CNN he believes the pandemic is “politically motivated.”


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News about the news:

A case in point from the IPA’s YouTube channel:

I think back to the Spanish flu. The death graphs for some places show two peaks. The second resulted from prematurely easing contamination control measures. But for some, money matters more than people. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

A comment on crisis leadership:

Comparison with Australia’s leadership, I’ll leave to others.

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There is something wrong with his suit - is this the lovechild of David Byrne and … ??