Converting CO2 into fuel

Is this the best topic to post and discuss this technology under?

Is it more about alternate fuels?

Or is it more about research into mitigating CO2 and greenhouse gases?

Yes it is interesting!

At this point of the research it seems unlikely there is any climate change impact from it on consumers. It is likely providing one more excuse to keep things much as they are, while deferring action based on what are already established and available solutions.

Without a more comprehensive national, and global strategy to combat climate change it is difficult to even see how this research might fit into a more sustainable future.

Without a definitive assessment of how or where a successful outcome of the research fits, it is possibly another nice piece of research waiting to find a real problem it can solve?

It appears an inefficient process, relative to current battery technology, while producing CO2 when the energy is utilised, typically through low efficiency energy recovery.