Choice, Consumer Defenders or Climate Activists?

Should the title of this topic change? As @draughtrider points out:

Activists is a loaded term. Choice: Consumer Advocates or Climate Denialists? would be a more accurate title in my eyes, but some might view it as loaded in the opposite direction. Consumer advocacy and climate denialism are mutually exclusive. The consumer risks are so well-established that any group claiming to represent consumers that failed to work for climate action would tacitly deny the science, thus earning the title denialist.

This forum has its denialists. The honest ones generally don’t last. Their posts end up deleted. That’s a pity, because they at least seem genuine. They tend to be disruptive, so I guess silencing them is best for the Community.

The more pernicious follow the Lomborg School; pretending to accept reality while working against action. Honest difference of opinion is one thing; that Lomborgian hypocrisy disgusts me. I bear in mind that Lomborg is a political scientist - deceit and manipulation are his stock-in-trade.

To answer the question posed by either the existing title or the proposed alternative, we need to know something about the community. I’ve started a new topic with a free-form survey that might provide some clarity.

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