Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency Scams

That is bad how? But if I were gullible those greenbacks could be enticing!

I reported around 20 of these months ago to Facebook as they appeared on the newsfeed. Haven’t seen any since. But last week I got a message from Facebook saying all my report case numbers were now closed. Advice was “delete if not wanted”.


I reported these to Facebook as well and the response was that they couldn’t see any issue with them. I replied that they must be happy that their users are being conned by scammers who post such advertisements on Facebook. All has been silent since.

As they get revenue from the advertisements, why would they block them. A conflict of interest which they may not wish to rectify in the interests of the users.


It certainly shows Google as being vastly more ethical than Facebook.


Is there a tie-in with The perils of media serving algorithms here? You keep on clicking on these ads, in order to investigate and report them, so it shows you more and more.

I hardly ever get shown these ads.

I see nothing wrong with showing USD. The subtext is that you will be making so many dollars that you will need to be hiding it overseas. :rofl:

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The ads are not like the usual pop up ads on homepages or articles but are just amongst the other articles.

As I mentioned, I have not seen any Google ones since 05.09.2020 and the 2 recent ones were on the MSN homepage and a MSN article, so I don’t believe that they are following me around in stark contrast to “Transportable Shade Sheds” which is trying to haunt me after @mark_m mentioned the sheds the other day.


An article regarding another Bitcoin scam that has stolen millions in Australia.

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The bottom-feeding grubs have an updated version of the Bitcoin Scam.

“Austrilian-Isreali Businessman”

English and history are obviously none of these grubs strong points.

Unfortunately there are no means to close and report it, but at least it is now the only scam that I can still find today.

You are opening a large can of worms there.

Wikipedia does describe him thus, but the scammer’s cut-and-paste skills seem to be severely lacking. Frank Lowy - Wikipedia

I move that the can of worms promptly be resealed. :wink:

I was referring to the scammers reference “Isreali” which I assume that the idiots think is Frank Lowy’s birth nationality as they don’t know that he was born in Europe.

Yes, I understood that exactly.

Wikipedia says that the scammer is right.

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An article regarding the US Dept of Justice seizing over $1 billion in Bitcoin from the former Silk Road operator.

Another one surfaced today.

Note the altered letters “D” and “F” in the first image and the spelling of “Smith” mainly in capital letters.

I assume that it is an atempt to get around past Google bans but Google have given it the boot today.



Yeta another version of the disgusting Bitcoin Scam has appeared on the MSN Australia homepage and news article pages today, this time using Shane Warne.

I found a link and I have reported it to MSN Australia so hopefully they will shut it down, or I will keep contacting them.



I reported a number of Bitcoin Scam ads to Microsoft again yesterday which all featured Shane Warne including this one.

Today this page has changed to this one but with the same URL.

It appears that these scumbags are hijacking legitimate ads on MSN as they were doing previously on other websites.

And Warnie certainly does not need any help with this sort of thing. He gets into enough strife all by himself.

About time that your web browser gave you the option to block anything along the lines of “investment has experts shocked and amazed but big banks are terrified”.


I once again sent a number of complaints to MSN Australia yesterday with screenshots of the Shane Warne Bitcoin Scams and the message below.

"I have reported this disgusting Bitcoin Scam to you some four times over the past week but you have still failed to do anything other than provide lip service for feedback.

Today it is on every page I have looked at on your website, many of them being side by side.

Is Microsoft really prepared to consort with criminals and assist them in stealing your readers’ monies?

These Bitcoin Scams are a litany of lies which falsely use high profile persons without their consent as endorsements, and have stolen millions of dollars.

Much to their credit, Google News Australia, and other websites have removed these disgusting scam ads after I reported them.

It appears that they are much more ethical than your business"

They no longer respond to me apart from the automated lip service lodgment advice.

Once again today, the scam is on every MSN Australia page.

It appears that Microsoft is no better than the crimminal scammers and would sell their mothers for advertising revennue.

What a pathetic bunch of grubs.



Best to vote with your browser and avoid MSN Australia.


MSN did finally remove the Bitcoin Scam ads falsely showing Snane Warne but the scum have resurfaced with new versions which I have also reported.

Just how low can these grubs go?

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These scam ads have disappeared only to be replaced with these new ones which I have also reported.

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