Best Laundry Detergents 2022

Hi Matt,

Appreciate the complexity. My thoughts were along the lines of a simple yes/no or pass/fail assessment.

Some products that claim a fragrant finish either deliver a fragrance strongly scented or barely detected. Hopefully to my preference - zero, given some products by brand in the past have aggravated through skin contact.

I’m assuming it’s a scent driven thing. I’ve no knowledge of the chemistry. I can only assume the active ingredients and fillers come from a limited selection of chemicals from which all products are produced?

An alternate question is Choice able to identify which tested products are genuinely scented, and those which are not. For those seeking a genuine cherry, lemon or … finish, it might be equally disappointing to find the dried washing offers no more than that of cloth nappy freshly rinsed after a night in Napisan?

The thought some product claims are more puffery than ‘lemon fresh’ may be worthy of truth. It may not be realistic as you suggest to meet each individual idea of what the scent communicates. No need to apply a Perfumer or Appraiser to the task, although such professions are well recognised.


Agree, the (new?) OMO version has a sickly smell, permeates the house. I guess it washes clothes OK, but is it worth the lingering smell?

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Well I am finding Choices recommendations and test VERY confusing. I have copied some to my files and only in June 2022

A few manufacturers offer a ‘Sensitive’ choice, which I choose - No fragrance means no itch, no snuffy sneezing.


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