Are you allergic to beer preservatives?

It’s a great result, even if exceptional medically. It will be more informative and better odds if in 6 months time the condition has not re-emerged. Also to hear it’s possible to consume all those foods once on the to be avoided list.

Prescription antibiotics affect more than just the target infection. There is always the possibility a condition is due to a combination of factors, skin related problems having many. Changing just one can have a dramatic impact. I’ve experience of treatment for one condition with AB’s helping others. Although medically the evidence for the other benefits was well known, so no surprise.

An interesting aside is that the common symptoms of sulphite allergies vary and reliable diagnosis not always assured. The following may be of interest to others.

Asthma symptoms are the most common adverse reactions caused by sulfites:

  • Wheezing, chest tightness and coughing are estimated to affect 5-10% of people with asthma.
  • Symptoms are more likely when asthma is poorly controlled.
  • Adverse reactions to sulfites can occasionally occur when there is no preceding history of asthma.

can also cause allergy like reactions (intolerances), with symptoms such as wheezing in people with asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), and urticaria (hives).

In very rare cases it is possible that sulfites may have caused anaphylaxis, the most severe type of allergic reaction. Symptoms include flushing, fast heartbeat, wheezing, hives, dizziness, stomach upset and diarrhoea, collapse, tingling or difficulty swallowing.

Many of these reactions when fully assessed have been found not to be anaphylaxis, or caused by triggers other than sulfites.

My bolding.

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Boags and Great Northern, Sapporo