A call for a Super Profit Tax on Banks

These would be maximum percentages assuming that Australians don’t have interests in the foreign investment funds investing in the ASX. Australia does which means the percentages can’t be relied upon as fact. The actual percentages will be less as the investment industry is investments within investments to create diversity of investments.

For example, it is highly likely the Australian banks themselves will have interests in foreign investment businesses which in turn have interests in the banks. Similar applies to Australia super, managed funds, LICs etc. This is why one can’t purely look at major shareholder listing to extract foreign ownerships as interpretation of such can give a false impression. These lists are often used for political reasons. One also needs to look at where businesses have investments and other interests, both local and foreign.

The above explains part of the discrepancy. The other components is Australian run investment houses with foreign names being separately owned to foreign ones. A bit like how Coca Cola used to be. Or a foreign named business where a the principal shareholder is foreign with major ownership being other shareholders/owners including Australian.

It is highly complex and using raw major shareholder lists is a misrepresentation of the reality, often for political reasons.