5G claims re cancer, dangers

Hi there. The site you linked is not one that I would recommend. Anybody who starts with quoting Dr Mercola is peddling material that is somewhere between doubtful and dodgy. He really isn’t a good source of information about nutrition. I have had words to say about him before here. If you use the search facility and look for his name you will find it. I suspect if I looked into the other quotes in the link I would not find good scientific studies.

This topic is about ceramic coatings on cookware but you have brought up some other points that may be interesting. I would like to know why your doctor didn’t want you to use a microwave for cooking and how that is different to re-heating. Did he/she say? Another interesting question is if so many hundreds of millions of homes use them why is there not a plague of illness in those homes linked to the use?

All cooking destroys nutritional value in some situations. On the other hand it releases some nutrients. Humans have gained a great deal from cooking. If using microwaves to cook I would need to know why cooking that way is so harmful compared to other methods.

I don’t use a microwave for cooking some things. That is because it is hopeless at some things. Zap a sliced carrot for a few seconds and it’s fine. Try that on a steak and you are wasting good meat.