Why does fabric get indelible creases when washed?

I’ve tried to treat it as some kind of defining experience of mental focus and self control, a challenge for body and mind to come together in perfect harmony to overcome the seemingly impossible. The problem is, for me it never seems to have the ‘seemingly’ part, and it usually descends into a much less spiritual growth experience where I just grow angry and frustrated and end up using the fabric as-is, creases and all, and ponder the bad things I could do to the inventors of fabric, irons, ironing boards and people who expect me to display perfect fabric flatness. Just responding to this post makes me feel slightly agitated :wink:

As ‘The Sandman’ said - ‘failure requires no preparation’. With creases, I don’t even set out to fail, I simply don’t set out. I do have an iron somewhere … refer iron maintenance topic

@PhilT you have my sympathy. I remember similar crusades many many moons ago. I think you need to accept that some fabrics are possessed by evil spirits, or something like that …