Warranty Claims From Electronic Suppliers

The process won’t get you your product any faster, but if you prefer to shop elsewhere it might be satisfying to cancel with CPL.

For your rights read about Australian Consumer Law. It is not uncommon for products to be broken or dead from the manufacturer. Waiting a week to report a faulty product in a sealed box could be considered sus but regardless it would be their problem to work it out with their supplier. When I get a broken product I either go back straight away or ring and get details of who I talked to for the return and swap out. If they push back I go the next step (never have had to yet, knock wood).

So to your question, you might have held your ground at the shop, cited your rights under the ACL, asked for or taken the staff’s name for your formal complaint, and demanded a replacement. If they have the faulty product in their possession as it appears they do, you could tell them you require a refund citing the reason from the ACL, and if they don’t provide it contact your card issuer for a chargeback with the details including how the shop did not follow the ACL.

If they come back claiming no way could you have had a faulty product ask them for a written statement. If they refuse you need to hold your ground and send them a formal letter of complaint per the ACL. You might not wish to invest the time and aggro for a $37.50 product, or might wish to on principle.

Good luck and let us know how you go.

edit: also see